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Disability Action

05 July 2012

Minutes of the Meeting of the Disability Users Forum Held on Wednesday 5 July 2012 in Station Road Resource Centre, Armagh.

Disability Action

Group meeting


Damian Mc Sorley (Chair), John Stewart, Gerry Murray, Andrew Martin, Maria Hughes, Bernadette McCabe, Kenny Clydesdale, Jim Corbett, Rodney Hamilton

In attendance

     Cathy Murray Smoking Cessation Officer SHSCT


      Pat Hurley Gerard McEvoy Martin Mallon


1Welcome and apologies 
1.1Damian welcomed everyone to the meeting and gave apologies for Pat Hurley Gerard Mc Evoy and Martin Mallon. He also welcomed Cathy Murray to the meeting. New members Kenny Clydesdale, Rodney Hamilton, Jim Corbett and were also welcomed back to their second meeting.Damian
1.2Damian gave an overview of progress to-date for the benefit of everyone presentDamian

Minutes of the previous meeting


21The previous minutes of the 31 May`12 were then discussed and progress on various action points identified.Damian and group


Matters arising


The loop system

Damian mentioned that the layout of the room had to be changed to test the loop system. Although we had an extension lead, the mike lead was not long enough to be passed around. For this reason, we moved to the tables closer to the wall socket so the mike could be passed around. The loop system was tested by Martin Mc Kenna from Station Road Resource Centre and he adjusted the tone and volume of it. He was also assisted by Leeanne Corbett. Bernadette Mc Cabe and Maria Hughes also tested the system

        Damian to book Notetaker for further meetings and Maria, Bernadette and Rodney would be sitting next to Notetaker at future meetings
 Feedback from Bernadette and MariaDamian to feedback this to SHSCT
3.2Feedback for Gerard Mc EvoyDamian to email newsletter in normal print
 ZoomtaxGerard to use Zoomtax for minutes

Sign Language classes

We discussed British Sign Language (BSL) and Irish Sign Language.(ISL) classes that Bernadette mentioned that she would follow up on an Introduction course in South West College in Dungannon  in September.

Bernadette plans to enrol in South West College Sign Language class
 Elizabeth McCautrey was given as  a sign language tutor contact for the Newry areaDamian to get contact details of Elizabeth.

We referred back to the Dromantine Report and members agreed to focus on Welfare benefits and Respite today

·        Welfare Benefits

·        IT

·        Transport

·        Respite

Damian and group

Welfare Benefits

 He reminded everyone of an Information Event on PIPS in Dungannon on 19 September`12 that Disability Action is organizing. He also informed everyone that he has organized Terry Kelly from Disability Action to do a workshop on welfare benefits on 8 August`12 in Millview Day Centre

Damian and Disability Action Management

Human Rights

Damian informed everyone that Heather Logan from Disability Action will be doing a workshop on Human Rights that day also


Involvement of Millview Day Centre

Damian discussed with the group that we would be opening the next session up to Millview Service Users and staff



Damian informed members that an accessible holiday’s document that he is working on with Community Access Officer, Wendy Lappin is nearly complete and that User Forum members will be furnished with a copy of this

Damian, Southern Health and Social Care Trust (SHSCT)


 Andrew mentioned that he done some research on this and would liaise with Damian on this.Andrew to discuss research with Damian

Input by Helena Mc Connell and Kieran Mc Keown Cedar Foundation

The group reitersated how much they enjoyed this session and would welcome further work in this area.


Respite and Transport

Damian also wished to reiterate the point that Martin mentioned. Martin and his wife can't go on most bus tours as there were no wheelchair facilities on the buses

 Kenny also mentioned that bus companies don’t usually use signs to say if they are wheelchair friendly.

Damian to raise this via Disability Action

Outline of presentation by Cathy Murray SHSCT

Cathy began by discussing her role as a Smoking Cessation Officer with SHSCT. Cathy focused on the themes of smoking, carbon monoxide dangers, home safety and care in the sun. Cathy used lung age tests, a model on carbon monoxide dangers on the body. She also used a Quiz/Evaluation sheets with the group. Cathy gave out information leaflets on care in the sun and home safety. She gave clasps to the group which need to be used on blinds as toddlers can be in danger of loose cords. Cathy also discussed the need to have regular services to oil burners, chimneys and stoves that emit carbon monoxide fumes. She emphasized the fact that carbon monoxide was a silent killer.

Cathy Murray Presentation

Causes and effects of brain injury

Helena and Kieran discussed how brain injury can be caused through accidents, poisoning, and stroke and brain tumours.

The Cedar Foundation supports those with brain injury by helping them to build new strategies to deal with their disability.

They likened it to a light bulb being turned off.  Simply speaking, things that one was able to do normally cannot be done.`  This has knock on effect with day to day living


Long term v short term

Helenaexplained that some effects are permanent and some are temporary.

The first two years are the most important after a brain injury in terms of whatever recovery can be achieved.


 Emotional effects of brain injury

Brian injury also creates difficulties’ in reasoning and problem solving eg a joinery forgetting on how to hang the door. This can lead to frustration and a lack of motivation. The feeling you experience is that `you knew you could and now you can't and don't understand.`


Feedback from Disability User Forum members: John

John mentioned that just like that you snap over something silly like dropping a shirt on floor

 He accepted the fact that brain injury may cause anger, depression and frustration. Fatigue is often an often overlapping issue.

Group members to continue to communicate feedback on issues

Feedback from Disability User Forum members: Bernie

Bernie explained that she had never known the material presented today about brain injury and may seek support in this area for her son who had been involved in a car accident. She is now aware that her son’s anger outbursts may be as a result of brain injury.

Group members to continue to communicate feedback on issues

Feedback from Disability User Forum members: Rodney

Rodney explained difficulties he had with in word finding through his `Aphasia` disability. He peeled a segment of an orange in front of the group and took off a segment to symbolise the injury of the brain he had.

Group members to continue to communicate feedback on issues

Feedback from Disability User Forum members: Andrew

Andrew explained that he had Ataxia and that can't write a name or make fine motor movements     

Group members to continue to communicate feedback on issues


 John stated that sometimes you never get back to where you were. Group members to continue to communicate feedback on issues

Feedback from Disability User Forum group

The entire group expressed how much they had learnt about brain injury today and would welcome further sessions in this area.

Group willing to undertake further training in this area; Damian to discuss further
5Forthcoming plans 

PPI Panel

Andrew and John will be attending the SHSCT PPI Panel Meeting at Quaker Buildings in Lurgan on 22 June 2012.

John and Andrew to attend and gave feedback at next meeting
5.2John Stewart has completed the expression of interest form recently sent to him by DamianJohn is new PPI member

Follow up meeting

Damian thanked Helena and Kieran from the Cedar Foundation for her input today

Damian to send minutes of today’s meeting to Kieran and Helena
6Any other business 

Group photo

Everyone present were asked if they gave  verbal consent for use of a camera for publicity purposes for the programme

6.2Everyone agreed to the use of a camera for publicity purposes 
6. 3

Welfare Rights

Terry Kelly Disability Action will be organized as a speaker for our meeting in August 2012

Damian to speak to Disability Action Management

Other training

Damian mentioned that he will be organizing other speakers with a view to undertaking training. E.g Human Rights

Damian to follow up  in organizing speakers for meetings

Newsletter meeting

The next meeting would take place on 7 June 2012 in Station Road at 11am

Andrew gave his apologies; Gerry to attend


Members thoroughly enjoyed today’s session and new members mentioned that they were keen to attend the next session

8Date of next meeting 

Details of the next meeting were given:


Wednesday 8 August 2012


Venue:-  Millview Day  Centre

9  Close 

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