opportunitiesforall.org a directory website for disabled people in Southern Trust Area - Volunteering

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Enquire about volunteering within the Southern Health & Social Care Trust (SHSCT):

SHSCT Armagh & Dungannon

Kate Johnston

Volunteer Coordinator, Promoting Wellbeing Team

Tel: 028 3741 2116

Email: kate.johnston@southerntrust.hscni.net

SHSCT Craigavon & Banbridge

Gerardette Mc Veigh

Volunteer Coordinator, Promoting Wellbeing Team

Tel: 028 3831 1483

Email: gerardette.mcveigh@southerntrust.hscni.net

SHSCT Newry & Mourne

Caroline Avery-Cunningham

Volunteer Coordinator, Promoting Wellbeing Team

Tel: 028 3083 4270

Email: Caroline.Avery-Cunningham@southerntrust.hscni.net

Select the link to your nearest Volunteer Bureau to find local volunteer opportunities and support:

Armagh & Dungannon

The Armagh and Dungannon Volunteer Centre

Craigavon & Banbridge

The Craigavon and Banbridge Volunteer Centre

Newry & Mourne

The Newry and Mourne Volunteer Centre

Other organisations seeking volunteer support include:

Disability Action

Disability Action works with disabled people across Northern Ireland in areas such as information & policy, employment & training support, transport and mobility assessment.


Headway is run by volunteers who provide support to people with brain injury, their families and carers. It has offices in Dungannon and Newry.

Leonard Cheshire

Leonard Cheshire Disability provides a range of accommodation and support services to disabled people.