Minutes of the Meeting of the Disability Users Forum Held on Wednesday 14 March 2012 in Manor Day Centre, Lurgan.
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Damian Mc Sorley (Chair) Adrian Fox, Gerard McEvoy, John Stewart, Gerry Murray, Andrew Martin, Martin Mallon, Maria Hughes Bernadette McCabe
Martina Mc Elhone (off on Maternity Leave)
1 | Welcome and Introduction | |
1.1 | Damian introduced himself and gave apologies for Martina Mc Elhone who is now off on maternity leave. | Damian |
1.2 | Damian also thanked the group on behalf of Martina for their commitment to date to the User Forum and re-iterated how much members views were valued | Damian |
2 | Minutes of the previous meeting | |
2.1 | The previous minutes were not available due to unforeseen circumstances whereby Martina had to go over early on maternity leave. | |
2.2 | Damian agreed however to furnish these minutes when he received them | Damian |
3 | Matters Arising From Previous Minutes | |
3.1 | Information for the group from Martina Mc Elhone Damian discussed with the group some matters that Martina had asked him to bring up following her last meeting. | Damian/Martina |
3.2 | Portable loop A Portable loop system has been agreed for further meetings. This needs to be booked prior to each meeting | Damian |
This was welcomed by Bernadette and Maria as they have to currently sit in front of the facilitator in order to lip-read. | ||
3.3 | Transport Bernadette Mc Cabe submitted a mileage form to Damian for processing. | Damian |
Damian clarified that John Stewart, Gerry Murray and Adrian Fox can also claim car mileage for transport to meetings and that he will bring mileage forms to the next meeting These will be submitted on a three monthly basis | John Stewart, Gerry Murray Adrian Fox and Damian | |
Taxis: Damian discussed with the group the procedure for future booking of taxis. Participants of the Users Forum were informed that taxis would be paid on account via Headquarters in Belfast. | Damian | |
Taxi firms would have to invoice Headquarters in Belfast and send a copy to Damian at Dungannon office. | Damian to organize this process with Taxi firms | |
Gerard Mc Evoy informed everyone that he books DARD transport for meetings and that he does this 2 weeks before the meeting. Damian will liaise with Gerard in the event of a cancellation. | Gerard Mc Evoy and Damian | |
4 | Getting to know the group | |
4.1 | Damian opened a discussion with all group members whereby everyone introduced themselves. | |
Group members if they so wished could discuss their disability and current issues/problems. They also discussed their involvement with the Users Forum to date. | Damian and group | |
`We need space to go out to disabled forums/comments. Difficult to live in an able bodied world. We need a bit more hope. Hidden disabilities: `I am looking at you but I don’t see your face` | Damian and group | |
Discussion centred on Adrian’s frustration that he is currently 6 years in his current wheelchair but will have to wait another 3months until it is passed. | Damian and Disability Action Management | |
Because of the nature of the sharing Damian agreed that he would be sensitive to the writing of minutes for this meeting to protect the anonymity of members who have shared in depth. | Damian | |
Damian was to check about the availability of a larger room for the next meeting and if there was nothing available to discuss ventilation etc with the Day Centre Manager. | Damian and Melvin | |
5 | Communication as our key vehicle | |
5.1 | Newsletter Members present felt that `this group should have a column in it` | Damian and sub committee group |
Damian to meet sub-committee and engage in process. | ||
As Adrian Fox does poetry, he would welcome the opportunity to prepare something for it. Adrian would like to be included in the mailing list for this. | Damian to circulate newsletters to Adrian | |
5.2 | Communication via Face-book Need access and communication out of hours, Website/Face book. | Damian and Disability Action Management |
A clear need for this was expressed today and this will be explored with Disability Action Management by Damian | ||
5.3 | Welfare Benefit change. Information workshops needed. | |
Damian to attend PIPS training and discuss with management. | Damian and Disability Action Management. | |
5.4 | Brain Injury Questions John Stewart was informed that some questions he had raised on brain injury would be passed on to management and answers prepared for the next meeting. | |
Damian to have answers for next meeting | ||
6 | Future Meetings | |
6.1 | Minutes To be sent out 1 week before meeting with agenda. Members communicated their preferences for contact via email or post for meetings | Damian |
6.2 | Martina Sloan and Freda Power The group agreed to continue to involve Martina Sloan and Freda Power by sending User Forum minutes. Damian to send meeting minutes. | Damian |
6.3 | Next meeting The next meeting was set for the 18 April 2012 from 11am-2pm at Manor Day Centre. | |
Frequency of meetings We decided today to schedule the meetings on a monthly basis so as to keep the momentum going. | Damian and group | |
6.4 | Dromantine Report The group discussed this report but we agreed to examine it further at the next meeting. | Damian and group |
Damian discussed with the group that his aim was to plan a Conference in November 2012 to review progress since the Dromantine Report and develop further action points/strategies in consultation with all stakeholders. | ||
Damian will allot more time to this at next meeting. | ||
6.5 | Catering arrangements Everyone as happy with catering arrangements today. | Damian and group |
6.6 | Evaluation The group were all happy with the meeting today | Damian and group |
7 | Any other Business | |
7.1 | No other business discussed | |
8 | Date of next meeting | |
8.1 | Details of the next meeting were given: Wednesday 18 April 2012 11.00am-2.00pm
Venue: Manor Day Centre,Lurgan | Damian |