The Southern Trust has published a Coping with Bereavement information booklet
The Southern Trust has published a Coping with Bereavement information booklet for relatives following the death of a patient. The booklet explains the practical arrangements that need to be made following a death, organisations that need to be informed of a death and information on support services available.
Dr Patrick Loughran, Medical Director at the Trust, said, “Providing information and support to families and carers following a death and during the grieving process is very important. Grieving is a natural response to the death of a loved one and the subsequent loss. Most people cope with the grieving process with the support of their family, friends, religious and spiritual advisors, and local community. As professional health and social care staff, we fully understand the pain and distress of bereavement”.
“We hope that the booklet will help bereaved relatives with the practicalities of dealing with a death in what are alwaysvery sad and difficult times.”
The Trust’s Bereavement Coordinator Anne Coyle adds, “Our hospital and community staff who cared for the patient will do all they can to help and support the relatives following the patient’s death. It is important that relatives take time as they consider important decisions that they may have to make. When a loved one has not died in their own home, Trust staff will gather the patient’s belongings together. The belongings can be taken immediately or can be collected at a later date from the hospital or facility. In addition to the information booklet, the Trust has produced family handover bags for the respectful and timely return of a deceased patient’s belongings to relatives.”
Other publications available from the Trust include Bereaved Through Suicide, Early Pregnancy Loss, and Dealing with Traumatic Bereavement.
The Coping with Bereavement booklet is available on the Trust’s website at
For further information contact Lisa Cartmill,
Communications Manager, on (028) 3861 2579
Notes to Editor
The Protect Life Lifeline Helpline – 0808 808 8000 – offers support to anyone in distress or despair.
Think Family Project: The Department of Health, Social Services and Public Safety has funded a Mental Health and Children’s Services Project for a three-year period, to focus on improving joint working based on a family centred model of service delivery. The aim of this project is to improve the outcomes for parents with mental health illness and their families by establishing a ‘think child, think parent, think family’ model to service planning and delivery.